1ª emisión de Sexofonia: 10 noviembre de 2007 (MySpace)

1a emision de Sexofonia, 10 noviembre 2007 – Blog de MySpace de Anaïs De Sexofonia: | SEXOFONIA.

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24 respuestas a 1ª emisión de Sexofonia: 10 noviembre de 2007 (MySpace)

  1. Etty dijo:

    That’s an inllneigett answer to a difficult question xxx

  2. My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.

  3. cailis dijo:

    Information is power and now I’m a !@#$ing dictator.

  4. Great insight. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.

  5. Superior thinking demonstrated above. Thanks!

  6. That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question

  7. That’s really thinking of the highest order

  8. That’s the thinking of a creative mind

  9. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for writing!

  10. abilify cost dijo:

    No complaints on this end, simply a good piece.

  11. That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!

  12. An intelligent answer – no BS – which makes a pleasant change

  13. Boom shakalaka boom boom, problem solved.

  14. There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.

  15. That’s a clever answer to a tricky question

  16. One or two to remember, that is.

  17. All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.

  18. A piece of erudition unlike any other!

  19. Finding this post has answered my prayers

  20. Right on-this helped me sort things right out.

  21. cialis dijo:

    Superbly illuminating data here, thanks!

  22. This is what we need – an insight to make everyone think

  23. At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all

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